Book Marion

Book Marion Myers
Marion Myers

Book Marion ~ While a great deal of gravity is placed on the academic attainment of life skills, the truth is that some of the greatest lessons are learned within the labyrinthine corridors of the University of Hard Knocks. As you will learn in her powerful book, Ghettos Forgotten Daughters, after dropping out of school, Marion returned, not only to complete her education, but to obtain degrees in Office Technology and Real Estate, but if you were to ask her about the lessons that she values the most, she will tell you that her life experiences have been her greatest teacher.

Book Marion

Marion has extracted multitudinous lessons from her experiential observations, preparing her to develop her unique, yet powerful, approach to inspiring, encouraging and empowering others who may be traveling through a rough patch in this journey called life. Not only has she become an exceptional one-on-one counselor, but she is a dynamic speaker that has the rare ability to immediately connect with her audience. She never takes a condescending approach — meaning that she is consistently accessible from the moment she takes the stage.

Marion speaks from a heart filled with a passion that drives her to lift others the way that she so desperately needed someone to lift. While she has an implacable faith in God, she is keenly cognizant of the fact that God uses people to carry out His purpose. Marion considers herself to be a worthy and willing vessel of empowerment, delivery, recovery and restoration.

If you have a group of individuals who are looking to shake loose of the shackles of past trauma, if you have a desire to unleash the infinite power necessary to break free from the darkness of your past, Marion Wallace (formerlyMyers0 is more than equipped to help you and others shake the very foundation of darkness, injury, betrayal and abandonment. Marion wants you to know that from the very moment you set your heart toward healing, you were standing on the edge of powerful breakthrough, but you must be willing to fight for what is already yours. Let Marion lead you to the light!

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