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This book will take you on an intense journey as a young girl looks to fulfill her quest for self-discovery. Her inexorable thirst for self-discovery and authentic empowerment causes this young lady to learn so much about herself — and the enlightenment continues even as she progresses through her adulthood. One of the first things that Marion Wallace (formerly Myers) learned during her process of self-discovery was that she had to cease from allowing her situations and circumstances from taking her captive and rendering her ineffective. She had to accept that life was not happening to her, but instead, it was responding to her — meaning that she had the power to change the direction of her life despite all of the obstacles she was facing.

She had even reached a point in which the pressures of life convinced her that life was not worth living, but the purpose that God had for her life was greater than her pain. Depression had temporarily robbed her of her joy, but it wasn’t powerful enough to steal her life. She wanted to give up, but she had discovered her purpose, and it would not let her. She developed a spiritual fortitude that allowed her to use the negative forces in her life to help create a spiritual force that has become unstoppable. She has emerged from the shadows of depression and brokenness to become the exceptional and vibrant mother, author, and public speaker that she is today.

She stopped being a victim a long time ago, and she assumed the role of the victor, and she uses her testimony in this book to inspire others to become victorious.

Marion now challenges women of all ages to rise above that negative moment in their life. She is the physical representation that your past is not indicative of your destiny. Take this incredible journey through the life of Marion Wallace and experience her breakthrough as you are reminded that you, too, are sitting on the edge of a breakthrough, this is your moment.


  • Marion Wallace

    Marion Wallace (formerly Myers) is a transparent and powerful author who uses her pen to share her experiences and testimonies for the purpose of empowering others through imparting hope. A significant part of Marion’s forthcoming work will be testimonials, that reveal the power and ability of healing one’s emotional, spiritual and mental well-being through a direct and well-established relationship with God. She focuses on teaching the importance of adequate bible study, forgiveness and self-discovery. She is sure to point out how self-discovery helps to solve the identity crisis that many people suffer throughout life. Her primary audience is made up of the young women who are growing up in the inner-city communities (ghettos) across the country. Most of the young ladies that Marion has devoted her life to helping are facing what they believe to be impossible odds. Many of them have given up on life, but Marion introduces them to a new a better way. She teaches them that nothing is impossible when they are aligned with God’s purpose for their lives. She ensures them that it is never too late to change, to recover, to rejuvenate and refocus. She marches into battle as a conqueror — teaching others how to be conquerors.

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