
Let’s Retire the Strong Black Woman Narrative!

Let’s Retire the Strong Black Woman Narrative! Witnessing the Struggle: A Black Man’s Perspective on the Burden of Strength for Black Women

Let's Retire the Strong Black Woman Narrative! Witnessing the Struggle: A Black Man's Perspective on the Burden of Strength for Black Women

As a Black man, I bear witness to the silent struggles of the Black women in my life. In moments of solitude, I observe the weight they carry, the tears they conceal, and the masks they wear to navigate a world that expects them to be “strong.” As an expert in human behavior and generational trauma, I understand this dynamic. I often draw the ire of women when I say that I cringe every time I hear the term “strong Black woman.” It is not that I deny the strength of Black women. It is that every time I hear that phrase, it is applied to a Black woman who is doing far more than she is designed to do.

As a Black man, I find myself keenly attuned to the silent battles that the Black women in my life fight daily. In the quiet moments of solitude, whether it’s a shared glance across the dinner table or a fleeting expression captured in passing, I catch glimpses of the burdens they carry. It’s in these intimate moments that the true depth of their struggles becomes apparent. Being single has afforded me a unique perspective. Instead of being heavily invested in protecting one person, I now see the fragility that is often missed or ignored. I can hear the silent cries of women who have been asked to do far too much.

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I witness the weight they bear, not just the physical load of responsibilities but the emotional and psychological toll of societal expectations. Their shoulders stoop under the invisible weight of being labeled as “strong,” a label that, while seemingly complimentary, often serves as a suffocating constraint. It’s as if the world demands them to be unyielding pillars of strength, impervious to the cracks threatening to splinter their resolve.

Their tears, though shed in secrecy, tell stories of pain, resilience, and the quiet battles fought behind closed doors. These tears, like silent rivers, flow with the weight of unspoken emotions, carrying the echoes of struggles masked by smiles and laughter. Yet, even in their moments of vulnerability, they shield their pain from the world, concealing their tears behind veils of strength.

The masks they wear are not just adornments but shields, crafted to navigate a world that often fails to recognize their humanity. Behind the facade of composure lies a mosaic of emotions – fear, frustration, and longing – intricately woven into the fabric of their existence. These masks, though worn with grace, are not without cracks, fissures that betray the vulnerability lurking beneath the surface.

Navigating a world that expects them to be “strong” is a delicate balancing act, a tightrope walk between authenticity and societal expectations. It’s a dance of contradictions, where vulnerability is perceived as weakness and strength as a shield against vulnerability. Yet, in the quiet moments of introspection, I see glimpses of their true selves, unbound by societal constraints, unburdened by the weight of expectations. I am slowly seeing Black women dismiss this notion of the “strong Black woman.” They are not denying their strength, but they are demanding acknowledgment of their humanity. The truth is that the inherent strength of Black women is inextricably connected to their vulnerability. These traits are not mutually exclusive but delicately interwoven—creating the unique tapestry and power of our women.

In bearing witness to their silent struggles, I am reminded of the resilience that resides within them – a resilience forged in the crucible of adversity, tempered by the fires of experience. Theirs is a strength that defies definition, rooted not in stoicism but in the courage to embrace vulnerability and acknowledge the complexities of their humanity.

As a Black man, I stand in awe of the Black women in my life, warriors in their own right, fighting battles unseen, yet felt in the depths of their souls. In their silent struggles, I find echoes of my own, a reminder of the interconnectedness of our journeys, bound together by the ties of shared experiences and collective resilience.

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The silent struggles of Black women are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder of the power of vulnerability in a world that often seeks to silence it. As we bear witness to their struggles, may we also stand as allies, amplifying their voices, and honoring the depth of their humanity.

The archetype of the “strong” Black woman looms large, casting a shadow over their lives. They navigate through a world that demands resilience, yet fails to recognize their vulnerability. Behind closed doors, in the darkness of their solitude, they release the emotions they dare not express openly.

Beyoncé’s “Save The Hero” echoes their experiences, resonating with the silent battles they fight daily. They uphold the world, burying their own struggles beneath the weight of societal expectations. They extend a helping hand to others, even as they grapple with their own demons in solitude.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I see the Black women around me sacrificing their well-being for the sake of others. They work tirelessly, their pain hidden behind smiles plastered on weary faces. They cry in solitude, their tears flowing in silence, unseen by the world.

As a Black man, I witness the societal pressures that compel Black women to suppress their emotions. Crying is seen as a sign of weakness, a betrayal of the stoicism expected of them. They utter “I’m fine” as a shield, masking their inner turmoil from the world.

Beneath the facade of strength lies a profound vulnerability that often goes unnoticed by those who perceive Black women as unyielding pillars of resilience. Behind closed doors, in the solitude of their own thoughts, they grapple with emotions too heavy to bear alone. Their silence, though misconstrued as stoicism, is a poignant reminder of the depth of their struggles. It speaks volumes, echoing the unspoken burdens they carry silently, the weight of which threatens to crush their spirits. Despite the facade of longanimity they wear with grace, there exists a yearning—a yearning to be heard, to be seen, to be acknowledged for the multifaceted beings they are beyond the stereotypes and expectations imposed upon them.

In their silent struggles, there is a desire for recognition—a longing to shed the masks they wear and embrace the full spectrum of their humanity. They yearn for spaces where vulnerability is not synonymous with weakness but celebrated as a testament to their strength. They seek allies who will stand beside them, amplifying their voices and championing their right to authenticity. Their yearning is not merely for validation but for liberation—a liberation that transcends societal constraints and empowers them to reclaim their narratives. As we bear witness to their silent battles, may we heed their call for recognition, standing as allies in solidarity, and affirming the richness of their existence.

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The performances of strength are exhausting, yet they persist, bearing the weight of the world upon their shoulders. It is time to challenge the narrative of the “strong” Black woman, to acknowledge their humanity, their vulnerability, and their right to express themselves freely.

As a Black man, I stand in solidarity with the Black women in my life. I see their struggles, I hear their cries, and I pledge to be their ally in the fight against the oppressive forces that seek to silence them.

Additional Reading:

Resolving Relational Conflict: 5 Rituals for a Strong and Lasting Relationship

Unleashing Your Remarkable Ability to Conquer Chaos and Come Out on Top

In conclusion, the burden of strength weighs heavily on the shoulders of Black women, a weight that often goes unrecognized in a society that fetishizes their resilience. It is a burden born not out of choice but out of necessity, a necessity imposed by centuries of systemic oppression and societal expectations. However, it is imperative that we recognize the toll this burden takes on their well-being and collective psyche. The myth of the “strong” Black woman perpetuates harmful stereotypes and stifles their ability to express vulnerability openly. It is a myth that diminishes their humanity, reducing them to caricatures of strength while erasing the complexities of their experiences. I do not deny abnegate the strength of Black women; I celebrate it in all of its complexity.

It is time to dismantle this myth, to challenge the narrative that equates strength with the suppression of emotions and suffering. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a source of power—a power that allows Black women to reclaim agency over their narratives and embrace the fullness of their humanity. We must create spaces where Black women feel empowered to express themselves authentically, without fear of judgment or reprisal. As Black men, we must become the pillars on which our women lean in their weariness. It is only through this collective effort that we can dismantle the oppressive structures that seek to confine Black women to narrow stereotypes and usher in a new era of liberation and empowerment. This is the beginning of healing—the beginning of true liberation!

Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.

Dr. Wallace has authored and published 25 books, including his latest work, The War on Black Wealth, Academic Apartheid, Critical Mass: The Phenomenon of Next-Level Living, Born in Captivity: Psychopathology as a Legacy of Slavery,” The Undoing of the African American Mind, and “The Mis-education of Black Youth in America.” He has written and published thousands of scholarly and prose articles and papers, with the overwhelming majority of his work surrounding the enigmatic issues plaguing blacks on every level. Papers that he has published include: “Special Education as the Mechanism for the Mis-education of African Youth,” “Racial Trauma & African Americans,” “Epigenetics in Psychology: The Genetic Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma in African Americans,” and “Collective Cognitive-Bias Reality Syndrome” — to name a few. Dr. Wallace is also a powerful and electrifying public speaker who speaks to various types and sizes of audiences on several subjects. He also functions as a personal life enhancement advisor and counselor. As the Founder and CEO of The Visionetics Institute, Dr. Wallace uses a wide range of disciplines, including psycho-cybernetics, neuro-linguistic programming, psychology, neuro-associative conditioning, embodied cognitive conditioning, and transformational vocabulary to help people raise the level of their performance in every area of their lives, including finance, marriage, business, parenting and more.

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